Softaculous & VestaCP – Cloning is stucking at 95%
If you have this problem, it could be PHP has not enough memory to clone completely your installation. I found the information in this post of the forum of Softaculous.
I had this issue with one of my Prestashop installation, which was 7.5 GB.
You simply need to alter the value memory_limit in the files:
- /usr/local/vesta/php/lib/php.ini
- /usr/local/vesta/src/rpm/conf/php.ini
- Restart the server
Usually, the value of memory_limit would be « 64M ». Try to change it to « 256M »
Note: if you use cPanel, you need to alter this file:
- /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/php/56/etc/php.ini
- Restart server
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