How to download website from on Windows or Linux

Publié par David le


It exists a lot of softwares to download websites on internet and surf on them offline. It can be useful to piece of documentation or interesting content. But if the site is offline and only available on, it can be tricky to download it. There is some company which can help you to download content but this is not free ! Hopefully, a nice project was released on GitHub named wayback-machine-downloader and written by hartator. This project is available here :


Please note that native wayback-machine-downloader works only on linux.


If you are on Linux, please go directly on the next chapter.

You need a Linux Bash simulator to execute wayback-machine-downloader. Personnally, I advice you to get Cygwin Portable. You can get it on this link.

  • Install Cygwin Portable on C:\CygwinPortable.
  • Launch CygwinPortable.exe as Administrator
  • Right Click on Cygwin icons and click on Cygwin Setup
  • Install Ruby and Git
  • Right Click on Cygwin icons and click on Open Bash (C:)


  • If you are on Linux download and install ruby, rubygems and git
  • Open bash shell

Download on

Then, to download <>

For exemple with (it was a very good Counter-Strike website)

Et voilà !
Thanks to hartator for this very good tool !



Catégories : HacklifeLinux

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